Common actions
The ability to send data to Dime.Scheduler is fundamental. In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, this capability is available through actions. Actions are added to both entity cards and lists.
Common list actions include:
- Send selection
- Send all
Both list actions are available in the following pages:
Common card actions include:
- Send entity
- Delete entity
Send record
At any given moment, a record can be sent to Dime.Scheduler. If the record doesn't exist yet, it will be created. Otherwise, it will be updated.
If the default behavior is selected, each record in the tasks grid will represent a task in Dime.Scheduler.
Send selected or all records
Alternatively, if you want to send the records in bulk to Dime.Scheduler, navigate to the list. Click the 'More Options' button, followed by 'Actions'. In the Dime.Scheduler menu, you'll be able to choose to send the selected records or send all of them: