Send job as task
When enabled, you send a job as both job and task to Dime.Scheduler. You then plan the job instead of the individual job tasks. When not enabled, you send a job as a job and its corresponding job tasks as tasks to Dime.Scheduler. You then plan the individual job tasks.
Send tasks with job
When enabled, the job tasks are sent with the job every time the job is sent to Dime.Scheduler. Otherwise the job tasks need to be sent separately.
Default duration job task
Sets the default length in time for a task that originates from the job module. When the task is initially planned in Dime.Scheduler, the appointment is created with this duration. If a vertical or customer solution has the ability to calculate or specify the expected or estimated duration of a task, then this value can be sent on an individual line basis.
Default job category
In Default category
you select which field from NAV you want to use to set the color of a planned task when you drag & drop a task from open tasks to a resource on the planning board. Select a job posting group or leave blank to use the default color (blue).
Plan In Gantt Chart
Enable this fields to use the Gantt Chart to plan your jobs.
Scheduling Mode
Will determine the behavior of a Task when using the Gantt Chart. The following options are available:
- Normal: no automatic recalculation.
- Fixed Duration: recalculates the task effort when resources are added or removed based on the duration.
- Effort Driven: recalculates the task duration when resources are added or removed based on the effort.
- Dynamic Assignment: recalculates resource assignment percentages when resources are added or removed.
Update Time Sheet from Planning Board
Select Update Time Sheet from Planning Board
to automatically create or update the time sheet of the resource in NAV whenever a task is allocated to a resource or when a planned task is modified in Dime.Scheduler.