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Planning application troubleshooting

The planning board doesn't load data after an update

Most often this is a result of outdated statistics. Please check if the configuration is correct. For a quick solution, run the following command on the Dime.Scheduler database:

USE Dime.Scheduler;  
EXEC sp_updatestats;

Persistence types


This applies to versions equal to or higher than Dime.Scheduler 2020.1.0

There's always a chance that files don't get copied correctly during the upgrade process. For this, we want you to check the following:

Across all nodes of the solution (web app, service bus, back office, etc.), the configuration is done in the dime.config file. Head to the <servicebus> section and locate the <persistence> tag. Before Dime.Scheduler 2020, InMemory was used by default. This value is no longer supported and should be replaced by Sql. In the back office web application, this configuration is done in the appsettings.json file. Locate the PersistenceType key value pair in Dime's ServiceBusSettings section and make sure the value is Sql.

How to I install a SSL certificate?

This is boilerplate network engineering territory and is well understood and well documented. See the following articles for a guidance to get your SSL certificate on IIS:

Once that is done, you might also want to change the following (only needed if you remove the current binding of the Dime.Scheduler website):

  • In the Dime.Scheduler website folder, modify the dime.config file and change the BaseURL parameter to the correct https-address.
  • In the Dime.Scheduler backoffice website folder, modify the appsettings.json file and change the Authentication URL at the end of the file to the correct https-address.