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Exchange connector troubleshooting


The complete synchronization process looks as follows:

  • When an appointment changes it is added to AppointmentExchangeQueue table on SQL Server. This table contains the Appointment ID and an indication whether the record is processed or not and if an error occurred or not.
  • The synchronization procedure will process all records marked as "Not Processed" every time it runs. If for certain appointments errors occur they will be reprocessed every time.


If some records in the queue are marked as erroneous, the actual error message can be found by looking in the SQL Server Agent History or by running the stored procedure exc_SyncAppointmentQueue manually.


The ConnectBridge service comes with an extended log to identify problems. Double click the CBServiceController icon in the system tray and choose "Show Log".

Connect Bridge Menu

Errors will be marked in red and are proceeded by the actual query sent to Microsoft Exchange Server.

Query Analyzer

ConnectBridge also comes with a Query Analyzer which allows to execute queries against the Exchange web service. This can be used for troubleshooting all possible issues. Start "CB Query Analyzer", choose to add a new connection and complete the following fields:

AliasName for the connection
HostServer name of the machine hosting the connect bridge service ("localhost" can be used if the query analyzer is running on the same server).
User NameStandard value is "Administrator" if not changed during installation.
PasswordStandard value is "1324" if not changed during installation.
AccountStandard value is "ACCOUNT_EXCHANGE_2010" if not changed during installation.

Connect Bridge Query Analyzer

You can now start executing queries on the Exchange web service.

Connect Bridge SQL Query


In case of calendar permission issues the permission matrix can be checked from the CB Query Analyzer by executing the following query:

SELECT [CalendarEnabled], [CalendarShared], [CalendarSharedLevel], [UserMailAddress]
FROM [ExchangeSharedUsers];

For every resource "CalenderShared" must be active and "CalendarSharedLevel" must be equal to 2. Any other settings sill result in error message during the synchronization.