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Dime.Scheduler has extensive logging, and is an important method for the troubleshooting process. The result of this is visible in the logs view, which merely contains a paged grid with all logs available in the database. Each record contains a date, a log level, a message, a category and possibly an exception (if an unexpected error occurred).


As such, it is recommended to always include log files when submitting a support ticket. This can be easily done by clicking the Download dumps button:


This button will get the latest log entries from the database and will create file, which you can download:



We should point out that you may want to anonymize your data before sending it to Dime's support system to comply with privacy legislation.

Setting the logging level

Some of the configuration - unlike the application setup - can not be enforced at runtime. Static configuration refers to those settings which are applied once during startup of the application can not be modified unless you restart the application.

One of these configurable items is the logging level. The logging level refers to the severity of the message that is being logged. Dime.Scheduler distinguishes between the following logging levels:

  • All
  • Debug
  • Info
  • Warn
  • Error
  • Fatal

This categorization simplifies the diagnostics process. However, over time the logging database may become quite large and may even cause storage problems. It is for this reason that the logging level is configurable in the logging.config file in the Dime.Scheduler IIS website folder.

At the bottom of the file, you will find a section similar to this:

<logger name="Trace Logger">
<level value="WARN" />
<appender-ref ref="TracingAppenderDatabase" />
<level value="WARN" />

By default, the log level is 'Warn' but you may change the value to any of the logging levels mentioned before.

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