New features
- The task details pane has a new visibility toggle for empty fields. When enabled, all fields
without a value will be hidden.
- The layout of the task details pane can now be saved, so it can reappear in the same configuration later (e.g. when starting the application). Following parameters are considered: column width, column order, visibility toggle.
- Open tasks and map pins now support action URL's. When configured, it is possible to summon a list of available action URL's by right clicking on an open task or selecting a pin on the map and use the new action URL button. In these new contexts, action URL's can be called for multiple items at once. When selecting multiple tasks and clicking an action URL, the action URL will be called once with details for all tasks encoded in the URL. This allows the back office to perform actions to each of those tasks or to execute logic based on the total set of items.
- Action URL's can now be inserted from Dime.Scheduler directly by navigating to "Settings" – "Actions".
- Plan multiple tasks in one movement. Select multiple tasks (using SHIFT or CTRL) and drag them to the planning board. When released, they will all be planned consecutively for the same resource. If they are dropped while CTRL is pressed, they will be planned simultaneously for the same resource.
- You now can select multiple pins at once on the map. Use SHIFT + drag to drag an area and zoom to it and select all pins in that area, or SHIFT + CTRL + drag to do the same without zooming.
- Added support for Unicode characters. You can now send any Unicode characters (like Chinese) to appointment or resource fields from your back office application.
- Added a quick year and month selector to the planning board calendar. Simply click the name of the month or year to select another one.
Bug fixes
- Filtering in open tasks based on a decimal or date field with "greater then" or "smaller then" values will now work when new tasks become available.
- Fixed an issue that caused empty appointment fields where they were supposed to have a default value.
- Improved stability to the mechanism responsible for automatically visualizing updates to appointments in the planning board.
- Fixed an issue that caused an error when highlighting an appointment